Centurion bible meaning
Centurion bible meaning

In Acts 24:23 translate "the centurion," namely, the commander of the horse who had conveyed Paul to Caesarea after the other of the two centurions had come back with the infantry (compare Acts 23:23 Acts 23:32). For instance, the one whose faith Jesus so commends in Matthew 8 Cornelius, whom Peter was by vision sent to, and who is described as "devout, fearing God with all his house, giving much alms to the people, and praying to God always" (Acts 10) Julius, the centurion of Augustus' band, who entreated Paul courteously and saved his life when threatened by the soldiers (Acts 27:1 Acts 27:3-42 Acts 27:43). Truthful straightforwardness would make them open to conviction. Good conduct was generally the cause of their promotion to the command of a century (properly 100 men).


Read Full Articleīiblical Definition of Centurion in Fausset's Bible Dictionary It is a propriety in the New Testament that centurions are so often favorably noticed. 24), that the centurions were chosen by merit, and so were men remarkable not so much for their daring courage as for their deliberation, constancy, and strength of mind.", Dr. It is interesting to compare this with the statement of Polybius (vi. 27:54 Luke 23:47), and when he saw the wonders attending it, exclaimed, "Truly this man was the Son of God." "The centurions mentioned in the New Testament are uniformly spoken of in terms of praise, whether in the Gospels or in the Acts. A centurion watched the crucifixion of our Lord (Matt. Cornelius, the first Gentile convert, was a centurion (Acts 10:1, 22). Read Full ArticleĬenturion in Easton's Bible Dictionary A Roman officer in command of a hundred men (Mark 15:39, 44, 45). They and other centurions mentioned in the Gospels and the Acts (Mt 8:5 Mk 15:39, 44, 45 Lk 23:47) are represented by the sacred writers in a favorable light. Men like Cornelius and Julius (Acts 10:1 27:1) may have been separated from the legion to which they properly belonged for the discharge of special duties. Centurions were sometimes employed on detached service the conditions of which in the provinces are somewhat obscure. The ordinary duties of the centurion were to drill his men, inspect their arms, food and clothing, and to command them in the camp and in the field. The number of centurions in a legion was 60, that being at all epochs the number of centuries, although the number varied in the cohort or speira. Matthew and Luke use the Greek word while Mark prefers the Latin form, as he does in the case of other words, seeing that he wrote primarily for Roman readers. The common soldier received around 200-300 denarii per year.ĭuring the time of Jesus the headquarters of the Roman army in Judea was located at Caesarea, on the Mediterranean coast.Ĭenturion in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE sen-tu'-ri-un: As the name implies, hekatontarches or hekatontarchos, kenturion, Latin centurio, was the commander of a hundred men, more or less, in a Roman legion. There were actually five senior centurions in a legion who received 10,000 denarii per year, and the chief centurion (the first javelin) received 20,000 denarii in pay annually. The centurion received pay that amounted to more than 20 times the ordinary soldiers pay, about 5,000 denarii per year. During the time of Augustus there were 28 legions. There were thus 60 centuries in a legion, each under the command of a centurion. They were the veteran soldiers who commanded 100 men each, within a legion of 6,000. They worked their way up the ranks as soldiers, and were promoted for their dedication and courage. They carried a short vinewood staff as a symbol of rank. The centurions were legionaries and they were clearly noticed because they wore a special helmet, and a more ornate harness of much better quality. The backbone of the Roman army were the centurions. The Army of Rome consisted of three types of soldiers: The Praetorian Guard (Caesar's bodyguard), The Legionaries (infantry soldiers and officers made up of citizens), and The Auxiliaries (non-citizen troops). They were noticed by the general for their skill and courage in battle, and were made officers.

centurion bible meaning

The centurion was loyal and courageous, beginning as a soldier in the army and working their way up the ranks. In ancient Rome the "centurion" meant "captain of 100", and the Roman centurion was captain over 100 foot soldiers in a legion.

Centurion bible meaning